Hi all
Here is an email I sent to Russell
As I said on your blog, I am unable to make it today, stuck here in the
office nstead, but I would like some feedback on the images if possible. I
have three rough's at the moment and will probably switch 2 and three in order.
page one and 2 are almost where I want them (minus some text and a few details)
but page 3 at the moment is simply a rough indication of where it is headed, the
idea being that it is the nucleus, the rock that the other two can orbit
A few quick questions too,
1. Are we going to be displaying them simultaniously on three screens or
one at a time?
2. Do the textures need to be embedded in the 3 images, kind of like
popups or rollovers?
3. Will the textures need to able to tile to form seamless surfaces or
can they be standalone?
I would appreciate it if there is any chance of getting feedback by
12ish today so I can look at it and respond before the end of the work day.
Noa Tranter"
If anyone has feedback for me I would love it!!