Monday, June 16, 2008

Great Quote on the Hearth

Comment and writing from the ultimate man, Le Corb on the subject of the hearth

In this way an
architectural element associated with fire is aligned
with his painting career. In fact, pipes and objects
forged by fire, like bottles, plates and glasses, are key
components in many of his paintings.
Writings additionally illustrate an appreciation of
the hearth’s importance. Le Corbusier wrote that ‘the
home = the hearth = the flame that heats their food
and warms their bodies. The hearth has become, by
extension, the symbol of an almost inevitable social
group: the family’

Todd Wilmert, The ‘ancient fire, the hearth of tradition’: combustion and creation in Le Corbusier’s studio residences, ARQ, (2006) Vol 10, issue 1, p58 (emphasys added)

What better to gather in the dislocated, the isolated than the family heart... People can become dislocated through illness, through financial difficulty, through a traumatic event. What better then to draw all together than the family atmosphere, one of inclusion, one of comfort and acceptance (apologies to readers who may not have the same experience of family as the author, intent is to show the inclusive, the accepting regardless atmosphere that a family can provide)

There is indicated in the research previously posted and accessable via the links that in reaching the socially disadvantaged there is a need to 'outreach' to the community. What if the 'outreach' could be founded at a home base, where the organisation(s) that can assist in providing care can co-exist in the same area and social space. We could envisage a place which draws people to warmth, provides an atmosphere of inclusion and connects people with specific people who can help with fundimental needs. We can provide a blanket for someone on the street, now can we provide a roof, a warmth, value, fun, room for laughter? Can someone leave different to the way they entered? Can someone with no ability to see their way out now sit around the hearth, the focus point, something of current value to them and meet a person who can not only see the source of their issues but can help find a lasting solution?

Or does this then become mere puff, mere illusion of help, more politics, a new way that people can 'help' and yet do no real good... is there still something fundimentally lacking?

Can it become 'the hub' ?

1 comment:

Kimberley said...

Hey Noa, sorry I missed you before, I was immersed in UT3 tutorials trying to relearn everything that didn't sink in first time around! Just came across this quote in the course of my research, thought it might be useful for you. I found it at and found a few other slight variations (mainly grammar) around the traps.

One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever came to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on their way.

Vincent Van Gogh (1853 - 1890)