Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Positioning the Work in the greater body

To position the experiments I have done is quite an interesting exercise.

Experiment 1- I am still locating in the work of Frank Lloyd Wright and LeCorbusier in the work of the hearth. In coming together around the central node it is examining the idea of community and focus and centre of the being, then at whether this creates further connection.

Experiment 2 and 3- This is where my passion is.
This work is heavily influenceed in the body of work done by people all over the earth who take the Word of the Bible and actually act on what it says, lifting the poor out of the ash heap, seating them with princes-Ps 113, or restoring sight to the blind, hope to the hopeless.
In this body of work people would commonly acnowledge people like Mother Theresa, organisations like the Salvation Army, Churches across the world which help the homeless, the widows, the lonely.

I want to make it clear that I am not saying this work is done exclusively by Christians, in fact often it is others that push this much further. However the area that I am influenced by is this area, particularly the movement beginning called the I Heart Revolution, out of Hillsong United.

It is in this that my focus and view is shaped and the experiments have been moulded, looking at the values and opinions that lay in the heart of people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...